Nintendo64EVER - Tests of Nintendo 64 games scanned into magazines
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Tests of Nintendo 64 games scanned into magazines

Virtual Chess 64

EnglishTotal 64 19 (July 1998) : 54 %

FrenchUltra 64 2 (September 1998) : 82 %

FrenchX64 09 (August 1998) : 80 %

Virtual Pool 64

EnglishArcade 05 (April 1999) : 80 %

FrenchConsoles + 085 (February 1999) : 87 %

FrenchConsoles News 31 (March 1999) : 85 %

EnglishElectronic Gaming Monthly 115 (February 1999) : 66 %

FrenchGameplay 64 13 (February 1999) : 88 %

EnglishGamers' Republic 07 (December 1998) : 69 %

EnglishHyper 66 (April 1999) : 80 %
