Nintendo64EVER - Every cheat and tip for Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98
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Every cheat and tip for Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98

Get Bonus Teams

Go to the Options Screen. Hold L button and press C-DROITE, C-GAUCHE, C-GAUCHE, C-DROITE, C-GAUCHE, C-GAUCHE, C-DROITE, C-GAUCHE, C-GAUCHE. If done correctly, the new teams will be available right away.

Choose Your Opponent

Highlight the team you want to play against and press C-DROITE, C-DROITE, C-DROITE. If done correctly, you will hear a click.

Nonstop Fighting

At the Options Screen hold the L button and pressC-DROITE, C-GAUCHE, C-GAUCHE, C-DROITE, C-BAS, C-HAUT, C-HAUT, C-BAS, C-GAUCHE, C-DROITE, C-DROITE, C-GAUCHE, C-DROITE, C-GAUCHE. If done right, you'll get in a fight every five to 20 seconds.

Turn Players Invisible

Go into the Replay Option before the faceoff and press the L or R buttons. While the players are flashing, press the Z button to make them disappear. Then continue your game to see your invisible player.

Change Player Appearance

First go into the Debug Mode. To do that go to the Options Screen and hit C-BAS+R, C-GAUCHE+R. A window will pop up that will allow you to change the appearance of your players.

Press CBAS]+R to change the head size; 

C-GAUCHE+R to change the body size;

C-HAUT+R to change the height.

Some examples:

100000: Stocky Players

010000: Stocky Players,Big Heads

110000: Stocky Players,Small Heads

001000: Small Players,Small Announce

r000100: Large Players,Large Announcer

000010: Crunched Players,Small Announcer

000001: Elongated Players,Large Announcer

110110: Large Players,Small Heads, Large Announcer

010010: Crunched Players,Large Heads, Small Announcer

To Forfeit A Game

Pause the game and enter the Options Screen. Hold L and press C-GAUCHE nine times. Resume play and you will automatically lose 1-0.

Written by Zestorm

Submitting a cheat
